Hi, I'm Aryan Mehta

Aspiring Web-Developer


About Me

Hi, My name is Aryan Mehta and I am a Student at VIT, Bhopal. I am passionate about coding and development and I am always eager to learn new technologies and techniques. Through this portfolio, I showcase some of my past and current projects as well as my skills and experiences. Please feel free to contact me for any opportunities.

  • 2020-current
    B.tech CSE Core at VIT, Bhopal
    Grade: 8.34CGPA
  • 2018-2020
    Secondary School at St.karens High School, Patna
    12th Grade: 78.5%
  • Till 2018
    High School at St.karens High School, Patna
    10th Grade: 77.66%
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
    Data Structures and Algorithms, Iamneo.
  • Cloud Computing
    Google Cloud Computing Foundation.
  • Hobbies
    Listening to music
    Playing any puzzle solving games
    Stocks & Crypto Investing and Trading
  • Languages Known

My Skills

Frontend Web Design

I Work on React.js framework called Next.js. I have Projects listed below:
  • Food Ordering App using React.js(Next.js) which is currently under development.
  • Discussion Forum Made using Next.js for discussing queries with others by posting them in form of comments.
  • Weather App using Next.js it shows weather of any place in the world with sunrise, sunset, precipitation, etc.
  • Learn more

    Technical Knownledge

  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • SQL
  • Python
  • Problem Solving


    Questions Solved:

  • 400+ questions solved in Java
  • HackerRank:

  • 4 Star Problem Solving
  • 3 Star Java
  • 4 Star Python
  • 30 Days Of Code
  • Learn more

    My Work

    Project Image

    Food Ordering Website (Under Development)

    Full stack web development for ordering food from our cafe with Integrated Payment method(PayPal). User can order food and can see the status of the food that is it being ready or out for delivery or not.

    Project Image

    Comment App

    Friendly discussion forum where people can log in using their google email id and discuss queries with others by posting them in form of comments.

    Project Image


    User can use any of the widgets used in trading environment in one place and can customize like they want to use.
    Made by using technologies like React.js, TypeScript, TradingView API, Firebase.

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